Collecting unemployment while on disability depends on the state and the laws. However, in most states, you cannot collect both.
Just an FYI: When there's any change in status, you should contact the NYS unemployment ins. agency. Their number is listed on their website. While SSDI is not a financial-need program, it assumes you are considered disabled enough not to either work or continue doing what you used to do when you collect it. In my situation, SSDI encouraged me to continue applying for jobs (I did) while I waited to be approved. However, once approved I notified NYS U.I. and they've requested I fill out a questionnaire/form describing why I can continue collecting unemployment while collecting SSDI. If you do not call them, they may ask to be paid back. If I can continue to collect U.I. (pending their review), I will notify SSDI of the payments I'm receiving. Unemployment insurance is generally based on State law. However, you can apply for and collect unemployment insurance benefits because SSDI is not a financial-need-based program, while unemployment is. Therefore your SSDI should not affect your eligibility for unemployment benefits in New York.
Social Security Disability Income is a Federal program. The rules are the same for all states. This site may be able to answer some of your questions.
No. SSI does not provide the provision of a child benefit check. This is only applicable to SSDI.
It depends on the specific rules of the state pension program and the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. In some cases, receiving a state pension may affect the amount of SSDI benefits you can receive. It is recommended to check with the Social Security Administration and your state pension program for more information on how your benefits may be affected.
Legally, yes, but it may be a factor in whether you're approved for Social Security Disability (SSDI).While the Social Security Administration doesn't prohibit people on (SSDI) disability from receiving unemployment checks, state unemployment regulations usually require all unemployment recipients to be willing and able to accept full-time work.This creates a conflict, because you're generally not eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you're capable of full-time work.For more information, see Related Questions, below.
No offence but. If you are on SSDI, then you have no business borrowing money to buy a car in the first place. Save enough to get you a beater. That is a car that runs good and will get you from point A to point B. Forget borowing money. Take my advice or leave it your choice.
SSDI is also known as Social Security disability insurance. There is not saving this all you can do is apply for it.
Yes you can. However if your collecting disability benefits from a LTD then they will most likely kick you off once you start receiving your SSDI benefits. However, if you trying to get on SSI, which is income based, you wont be able to collect both.
To collect SSDI you have to prove you are totally disabled and unable to work. Unemployment compensation requires you to be willing, able, and actively seeking full time work immediately. These two concepts are mutually exclusive, so No, you could not collect both at the same time.
Legally, yes, but it may be a factor in whether you're approved for Social Security Disability (SSDI).While the Social Security Administration doesn't prohibit people on (SSDI) disability from receiving unemployment checks, state unemployment regulations usually require all unemployment recipients to be willing and able to accept full-time work.This creates a conflict, because you're generally not eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you're capable of full-time work.For more information, see Related Questions, below.
Your dependents may, provided the payments have been paid seperately previous to your incarceration. You, however, will not receive payment, and any payments you receive while incarcerated, you may be required to pay back.
I'm on SSDI do I file taxes on $10,300.00 total income