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Normaly up to 2 years and LESS then 5 employees then you can no longer work with your tools.

Also this depends on the United Associations local union rules

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Q: Can you be a master plumber and still be employed by a union?
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What is the average hourly wage for a master plumber?

I don't know about Master Plumber but I know a Plumber who is a Foreman and makes 38 an hour for commercial plumbing. It also depends on where you live. Wages vary from city to city depending on cost of living and competition. Also whether the company is Union or non-Union. Union companies usually pay higher wages and have better benefit packages.

What is a jobbing plumber?

Jobbing plumbers do minor repairs and can also do new construction but jobbers are paid a much lower pay scale in the union sector as there is no apprenticeship for jobbing as many are not familiar with the various codes a class A plumber /master must deal with Jobbers are classified as "B" plumbing

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No they don't have a union nor union protections. Many are self employed.

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im a licened plumber for a non union shop and make 32.00 an hour plus benefits

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Union General Joseph Bennett Plumber graduated from West point in 1841. He ranked 22nd in a graduating class of 52 cadets. Plumber served in the West under General Pope. After being wounded, he died of an infection in 1862.

How much does Apprentice plumber in a union make in Texas?

I am a plumber pipefitter from austin tx. I make 25.50/hr. Apprentices start around 13.50/hr

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What qualifications are needed in plumbing?

Just to be trained by a plumber or serve as an apprentice with the plumbers union.

How much does a cow earn each year?

Is she union or non-union employed? ------- She is non-union and has been milked by the system.

Do plumber's unions support McCain or Obama for President?

The plumbers' union endorces Barack Obama for President.

How many employees does Western Union have?

As of 2011 western union employed 3 people, 4 dogs, and a chicken.

How much should a master plumber make in Greenville SC?

i know that union scale is low 22.00 on the check total package is less than 50.00 $ an hour ,but i caught a service call in landrum,sc and charged 58.00 and hour with a minimum of 58.00$ for the service call . Peace to you and all you love /remember stay union, organize or starve