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People can survive but not necessarily live long than they could have when they have learning. With education you are able to learn and have skills that is important in order to make a living.

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Q: Can people survive without formal education?
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What does non-education mean?

I think you mean NON-FORMAL. Formal education is what you think of when you think of school. Non-formal would be education learned on the job, or out in "real life." Sometimes people can learn as much in a non-formal setting, but usually a formal education produces a more educated, well-rounded person.

What does non-fromal education mean?

I think you mean NON-FORMAL. Formal education is what you think of when you think of school. Non-formal would be education learned on the job, or out in "real life." Sometimes people can learn as much in a non-formal setting, but usually a formal education produces a more educated, well-rounded person.

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By working at McDonalds

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To get a good job in Qatar, you will need an education. The people that move to Qatar without education are the people that do menial jobs.

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People should live and learn because something all of us have to learn like education. How to survive etc... We also need to learn alot because without education outlr buildings would not be stable.

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Not for very long. People cannot survive for very long without water, anywhere.

What is the meaning of formal education?

formal education is the process of training and developing people in knowledge, skills, mind, and character in a structured and certified program

How many people are successful in life without an education?

It is difficult to quantify the number of successful people without education, as success is subjective and can be achieved through various paths. While education can provide a foundation, success also hinges on factors like skills, determination, opportunities, and networking. There are examples of individuals who have achieved success through experience, entrepreneurship, talent, or innovation despite lacking formal education.

How do people survive without WI-FI yesterday?

WI-FI is not essential to life, nor is it particularly important. People can survive quite easily without it.

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Cold germs cannot survive 10 days in a car without people. Cold germs can survive up to 48 hours on surfaces.