You would need to check with the specific college or university of interest. Most colleges and universities operate on a regular two semester academic year. However, there are some that operate on a tri-semester or quarter semester.
You would need to check with the specific college or university of interest. Most colleges and universities operate on a regular two semester academic year. However, there are some that operate on a tri-semester or quarter semester.
You would need to check with the specific college or university of interest. Most colleges and universities operate on a regular two semester academic year. However, there are some that operate on a tri-semester or quarter semester.
You would need to check with the specific college or university of interest. Most colleges and universities operate on a regular two semester academic year. However, there are some that operate on a tri-semester or quarter semester.
You would need to check with the specific college or university of interest. Most colleges and universities operate on a regular two semester academic year. However, there are some that operate on a tri-semester or quarter semester.
You would need to check with the specific college or university of interest. Most colleges and universities operate on a regular two semester academic year. However, there are some that operate on a tri-semester or quarter semester.
A semester system consists of school terms ( Fall, Winter , Spring, Summer ) rather than a full Year or annual system of studies and credits.
A credit hour is a semester hour; it is also a quarter hour. It really depends on the credit structure of your particular school. The real question is: What's the difference between a semester hour and a quarter hour. Quarter hour credits are 1.5 times the hours in the semester system. The real question is: Why are they called hours?
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For colleges and universities that operate on a regular semester system, one credits is 16 hours of class contact time (clock hours, classroom time) for the semester. Thus, a three credit course would require 48 hours of class contact time for the length of the semester. This is typically broken down into three hours per week for a regular semester. After successful completion of the course, the student would acquire three credits toward the degree sought.
That is strictly dependent of the specific college or university. For institutions that operate on a semester system, the length of a regular semester can range between 14 and 17 weeks. However, there are some schools that break down the semester into six weeks with an average course load of two per semester. Still, you will have to inquire at the school you have an interest in as to their preferred semester system.
It depends on where you are pursuing the degree and the academic semester system of the institution. Some institutions operate on a semester system, others on a quarter system, while others on a tri-semester system. For example, those colleges and universities that operate on a regular semester system a bachelor's degree can run between 120 to 128 credits. For those on a quarter system it could run approximately 180 credit hours. Thus, I believe the school your are referring to is on a quarter semester system where 180 credit hours would equal 120 credits for institutions that operate on a regular semester system. In this case the 180 credit hours would appear to be correct for a bachelor's degree.
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