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Well It Depends If The Owner Of The Dog Wants To Pay You.... But Normally Yeah You Make Money. XD

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Q: Can a teen make money by walking dogs in his or her neighborhood?
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How much are people willing to pay to have others walk their dogs?

It depends on the neighborhood you live in, but $10 per dog would probably be a good estimate. The key thing is to get as many dogs as you can safely handle at one time. The more dogs you have, the more money you make while you're walking. If you can get 10-15 dogs a day, you'll be making pretty good money, even if it does take a while.

How does a 10 year old make money but no chores?

Walking dogs, gardening, selling old stuff, and my personal favorite, get a job.

How much does a vet working with dogs make?

Depends on how much money the dogs make. Depends on how much money the dogs make.

Is walking dogs for profit considered a hobby?

No, walking dogs for profit would be considered a job or a business rather than a hobby. Hobbies are typically activities that are done for enjoyment or relaxation, without a primary focus on earning money.

How do you earn money when you are ten?

AnswerDo jobs around the house or neighborhood. Allowances also are a big boost.AnswerA lot of kids make money with dog-walking jobs. Professional dog walkers are very expensive, so many people prefer to just hire neighborhood kids. Do you have any neighbors who have dogs and full-time jobs? Or maybe friends of your parents? Try asking them if they need a dog walker (the typical payment for a dog-walking kid is $5 to $10 per walk).Once you have a few regular clients, you can start putting advertisements around the neighborhood. People will be much more willing to hire you once you have some experience and references.

Ways 2 Make Money At 13?

Selling lemonade, walking dogs, mowing lawns, babysitting, mostly odd jobs for neighbors and family members.

What are ideas that a 13 year old can use to make easy money besides a lemonade stand walking dogs and bake sales if they live in Florida?

Sell weed

Can you make a sentence with neighbourhood?

I enjoy walking through my bustling neighborhood and chatting with my friendly neighbors.

How many dog you can walk at the same time?

You may walk as many dogs as possible.Though walking a lot of dogs once may be a problem.Many dogs are calm and you can walk a lot of calm dogs at once but if walking hypoactive dogs it is better to make a second trip.

How can middle schoolers make money?

Sell candy at school or around your neighborhood

What is an easy way for kids to make money in the summer?

Mow lawns in the neighborhood.

How do you start your own business at 13 years old?

First think of what you want to do, e.g walking dogs, baby sitting, making cakes or buying and selling products. Then tell people around your neighborhood or make a website to advertise your company. Last of all you won't get loads of money at the start but after a couple of months if you are still doing a good job you will get more money and regular customers. Make sure you don't blow all you're money, spend some of it but save some as well, be responsible.