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A marine in basic training can send money home to his spouse. When you get paid, it is your money and you can do what you want with it.

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Q: Can a marine in basic training send money home to his spouse?
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Yes you can sue your spouse over money, that is if he is not giving you money properly, or if he is waisting it on drinks, gambling , and sex.

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only if they want to give you have of the money. but dont ask for it you never now wat they are going to spenad it on

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In the Unites States, generally, yes.

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The Marine grossed $22,165,608 worldwide.

Can you receive social security disability if your spouse makes too much money?

Your spouse's income is not a factor.

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Depends on the situation. Is there any adultry, abuse or have you moved out of the home or your spouse?

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I think that the other spouse is untitled to half of what the two had together, which includes the amount of money.

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