Yes, at most country clubs there are caddy programs where you can sign up.
I caddy and I am thirteen. I make anything from $30 a round to $60 a round.
at least 18. Even not in Colorado.
u can work at the golf club
you could get a job as a referee for soccer ( i would suggest this ONLY if you play soccer, besides you have to $70 fee to be trained) or you could become a golf caddy.
In Illinois, the legal age of consent is 17. Therefore, it is not legal for an 18-year-old to date a 16-year-old in Illinois as the 16-year-old is below the age of consent.
If you have a golf course some were around you you can be a caddy there that's what i do and i get paid forty dollars every time i show up plus tip
You need to check your state law for Illinois. Go the the website for Illinois.
I have a 35 year old one.
Not in the US. child labor laws forbid it and a golf courses liability insurance would not allow employees under the legal age in their state (18 usually). it would have to be under really strange circumstances.
No, a twelve year-old cannot work in Michigan. The minimum age to be hired is 14 unless you are trying to be a golf or bridge caddy. Gold or bridge caddys may get a work permit at the age of 11. In addition, you can be hired as a child referee at 11 years of age if you have a special permit.
Make up 3 coupons that read "Free Caddy" - so you will caddy for him 3 times for free. Maybe he'll teach you how to play. If this doesn't sound like what you want to do then: - a pair of golf socks - a set of 3 golf balls (one can always use more) - one high-quality golf ball - they aren't all made equally - a golf shirt