Technically, a 10-year-old cannot enroll in college. However, it is possible to take classes in colleges under special conditions.
No but if they are INSANELY smart
That would kind of awkward.
No, I'm a 15 year old professional programmer with no college education.
They can but it would be very uncomfortable and the 10 year olds parents are likely to not agree with it.
It depends entirely on what you mean by "go out with." Hang out? Sure. Date? No.
Well, a 10 year old can do many things, like go on , or go on different simulation games appropriate for her/his age.
I believe nick Jonas would not like to go out with a 10 year-old because 10 year-old should fouces on school and not on dating . First get a goog education then i think when your older he would love to go out with u .
yes hunny its very normal
No. A ten year old is far too young.
10 year old partner he go to my school