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it's the proper moisture so you won't get mold growth on it, and it won't warp since it's already dry.

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Q: Benefits of using timber that has been seasoned?
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What is salvage timber?

Second-hand timber. Often called "reclaimed" timber.

What Is c16 timber?

C16 timber is sawn softwood structural timber which has been treated and strength graded

What does timber look like?

Timber is wood that has been cut down.

What are the advantages of using native timber?

Native timber helps save the environment....GO GREEN!!!!! Did you know that if all the houses in the UK had been built with solid timber then we would have put 200 tonnes less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?!? That's something to think about!!!

What are the benefits of using a commercial changing table?

The benefits of using a commercial changing table are that they are more durable and strong, They will also have been tested more rigorously so you can have confidence in them

What are the benefits of using recliamed oak?

The benefits of using reclaimed oak is that things have been added to it to help with quality and stability so it would be great with building things and stabilizing structures.

What do the letters PAR mean in timber sizes?

P.A.R. or PAR means Planed All Round when used in reference to timber. In other words, the timber has been prepared. The alternative is rough or sawn or unprepared timber. This has been cut to size but not finished in any way. Timber that is PAR is planed but there is no guarantee that the corners will be square!

What the benefits of using solar energy?

Once the equipment has been paid for, solar energy is free.

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The benefits of using Homestead to create a website is that it is easy to use and understand. Homestead has been a top choice because you can choose from many designs and customize how you like.

How do you clean brushes used to stain timber?

Test Tube brushes are used to easily clean the test tubes .When you've been using latex paint

What are the top two kinds of wood to burn in your home fireplace?

Any kind of hardwood that is seasoned. i.e. oak or walnut that has been seasoned for at least a year.