Bad effects of computers: It can damage your eyes, it is easy for little kids to see porn or hook up with random old perverts from who knows where, it isolates people from the outside world, and many people become addicted to facebook/WoW and don't do their homework and fail out of college.
Good effects of computers: It makes communication faster and easier (receiving emails instantly vs. mailing a letter), it makes researching things a lot faster/cheaper (instead of going to your doctor and paying a ton of money for a doctor's visit, you may be able to self diagnose yourself with information found online), computers also make searching for jobs/schools/people/vacations/flights/ANYTHING faster, easier and cheaper.
The list goes on and on for both good and bad effects...
The good effects are related to us. It made our society much more efficient by allowing programs and games, making our society more fun, easier, and faster. The bad effects are pollution. Computers run on electricity, adding to pollution. So shut off this computer, dude!
good effect: keeps hair in place bad effect: chemicals that are in it
python is simply a computer programming language as for if its good or bad that depends on what is programed with it
No known computer virus has ever had a good effect. They are malicious and damaging.
the cinema has relies an good and bad effect on children.
Horses good, smallpox bad.
There are good and bad social effects of tourism. A good effect is that there will be money to spend on public facilities and festivals. A bad effect is that the city may become overcrowded and lead to increased crime.
BAD EFFECTS:Acid RainBurning of Wood
It will effect everyone. That is why they are so important.
no its bad effect for health but