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No accredited college has a major in modeling.

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Q: Are there any colleges just for modeling?
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Related questions

What are some universitys for modeling in Austin TX?

There are no universities or colleges for modeling, nor is a degree program you can sign up for. You don't need a degree or diploma to become a model. There are modeling schools and training academies, however.

How old should you start modeling?

any age is cool really, its just when you get the gig.

What is thr Name of a modeling scout?

A modeling scout is just that--a modeling scout. There are no special names. Just be sure to find out the name of the agency they represent.

What are opinions on Barbizon modeling?

Barbizon is a school for modeling and acting. They prepare you for the business and teach you the techniques and fundamentals of modeling and acting. They also teach classes on building self esteem. You do pay money for classes, just as you would with any trade type school. They also do competitions in which they invite talent scouts and agents to.Barbizon modeling school has been in business for over 70 years so now. They are a modeling school and if you meet their requirements for enrollment you pay for your classes just like any trade school. And just like any school, they do not guarantee you a job but most locations do have people within the location to assist you with job placement after graduation.

Who are the justice the store for girls models?

They currently don't have any "justice models" they are just girls from modeling places!

Colleges for being a modeling runway magazine publisher fashion stylist?

For modeling you don't need any colleges, classes, training, degree, certificate or diploma. Simply send in your pictures to modeling agencies, sign a contract and begin working. If you want to be a magazine publisher or fashion stylist, those involve different routes to take. For magazine publishing, you may want to look into colleges with a good Journalism program. As far as being a fashion stylist, there is no actual college or course for this but taking fashion design, textiles, and similar courses will work in your favor. From there you should become an apprentice to a fashion designer or another fashion stylist and build up your experience from there.

How tall do you have to be for modeling?

actually you can be any height at all. people of all ages are now modeling

Do you have to apply to five colleges in Texas?

No; you can apply to any number of colleges. I recommend that you apply to at least three, just in case you don't get your first or second choice.

Are there any modeling and acting for a 13 year old girl in Homestead?

people will tell you there is, but theyre just trying to take your money

Is thire any modeling in peterborough ont?

I don't believe there are any modeling agencies out in Peterborough, but there is an external link to modeling agencies in the Ontario area listed under Sources and Related Links. If you're looking for modeling work, it may be difficult to freelance there. Having an agency will help increase your chances of finding modeling work.

Can you model at the age twentysix?

Yes. You can model at just about any age. For models in their mid to late 20s, they should consider lifestyle or commercial/print modeling, since 26 is considered "old" by fashion and runway modeling standards.

What certification must a person have to work in modeling?

To be a model you do not need any certification, just a great look and great camera presence. Then send in your pictures and information to modeling agencies. If they are interested, they will train you for free after signing you. If you want to work within the modeling industry, you'll want to obtain work at a legit and reputable modeling agency to earn experience or work for a fashion designer.