Be ther for yjur friend let her/him know that ypu love him and you are in this together
Wonder, Pride, Animosity, Insecurity
Ther are 4 seosons summer spring winter and fall which is also called autumn i wonder why this was unaswered
i was wonder if you did not finish higth school is ther a way u can be help
her boyfriend is Justin bieber no its not ther not good together
Not a Princess. Just a good friend of Prince Charles.
if you click on ther profile thers a delte buttonclick it clikc yes and there then gone
You can always apologize to a friend you did wrong. Apologizing and explaining why you did is how you can get back a friend.
ther is nothing just tell her you love her and that u want to put it in her
ther is non but like some flash games the tab key can be your friend
you need not to say it but tho opposite person will just understand you if he/she is really wishing to understand you.
yes my friend said type in supersoulja or try #supersoulja the # is included