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Yes, if you knew from the beginning. But if you want to keep your job, you should do as asked. See what they have in mind. Be aware that learning new things may help you get a better job down the line.

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Q: Are the workers obligated to learn new skills if they want to keep their jobs?
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Structural unemployment?

workers possess skills that aren't in high demand (obsolete)

Why did machines make some workers' skills useless?

The machines did mostly their work and made workers loose their jobs.

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Older workers can be just as productive as younger employees in jobs involving computer usage

How does lack of skills cause unemployment?

It doesn't. Skills can be learned. Lack of jobs causes unemployment. <><> If you don't attempt to learn those skills, available jobs won't do you any good because those competing for the jobs will get them before you do. Get your education!

Are workers obligated to learn these new skills if they want to keep their jobs?

What new skills? The question does not give much information. If you mean computers in general then yes, my opinion is that people should have at least a basic understanding of computers and Windows to maintain proper job performance. As this world moves more towards full digital and little paper, people need to make sure they have at least a basic understanding of How to browse internet, how to use Start button and other items required of their job.

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What type of unemployment is it when some workers no longer have jobs because their skills are no longer needed?

Structural unemployment: is a form of unemployment resulting from a mismatch between demand in the labor market and the skills and locations of the workers seeking employment.

How do skills affect wages?

Generally, workers with more or better skills get jobs with better wages or are able to earn greater wages for being more skillful.

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What caused unskilled workers to move to the cities?

Unskilled workers moved to the cities due to the growth of factory jobs. These jobs did not require any special skills and could be learned quickly. They provided for those that could not find employment otherwise.

What does labor shortages is down mean?

What this question seems to mean is that there is no shortage of workers to fill jobs. As an example, if an overseas computer company places a branch in a nation such as the US, the jobs that it creates will be filled in that there is no shortage of workers with technical skills in the US.