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Q: Are 401k wages subject to SUTA?
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What is rate for MS SUTA tax?

In 2008, the Mississippi SUTA tax applies to the first $7000 in wages for each employee. The starting rate is 2.7% for a new business. After the first year, the rate depends on past experience-- it may vary between .4% and 5.4%.

Does your employer report your 401k payment to unemployment?

If your state requires 401K payments figured in with your wages or income received during your benefits period, then yes, otherwise I think not.

What is the maximum contribution I can contribute to a 401k?

The maximum amount that you can contribute to your 401K plan is 50% of your taxible wages. If your Employer has a "match" Program They Will Contribute a Mirrior 50% with yours

What does SUTA stand for?

SUTA Stands for: State Unemployement Taxation Authority

Do you have to file taxes paid on a 401k if you have no wages?

did you cash in the 401k? taxes would already be taken out if so. but you do have to do it again when tax season comes about. they won't make you pay more but you have to show it

When was Jocelino Suta born?

Jocelino Suta was born on 1982-11-18.

When was Khassaraporn Suta born?

Khassaraporn Suta was born on 1971-12-12.

Why is SUTA paid and when is SUTA paid?

SUTA is paid by an employer and is added to a fund that can be used by a qualifying employee in the event he/she is unemployed. The tax is determined by a percentage of a worker's salary. That total is capped at a specific annual pay level. Most employers consider SUTA a tax, but it was originally set up to be a type of insurance. SUTA is calculated when the pay is issued.

Can 401K funds be subject to garnishment for credit card debt?

No 401K money cannot be seized for virtually anything. If by garnishment you mean your collecting from the 401k - there are many ways that income can be seized, just not while it's in the 401k.

When was Keith Suta born?

Keith Suta was born on March 28, 1977, in Bozeman, Montana, USA.

When was Oha Suta Dance Dance Revolution created?

Oha Suta Dance Dance Revolution was created in 1999.