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Q: All minerals exhibit cleavage T or F?
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What trait or traits did the plant in the F generation exhibit?

a small plant

What trait or traits did the plants in the F generation exhibit.?

a small plant

What has the author F C Russell written?

F. C. Russell has written: 'Minerals in pasture' -- subject(s): Minerals in animal nutrition

ABO blood groups exhibit what type of inheritance pattern?

Go f$&( yourself!!$

What minerals does Vietnam mine?

It doesn't f-ing say

What are some zoo animals that begin with f?

Most zoos have fox and fish. Flamingos are an exhibit at many zoos.

How do living cells form into minerals?

Do your own f**** work.Figure it out and stop cheating on internet.

What has the author N F Olofinskii written?

N. F. Olofinskii has written: 'Electric-corona separation of coal fines and certain minerals'

What has the author O F Poindexter written?

O. F. Poindexter has written: 'Rocks and minerals of Michigan' -- subject(s): Petrology, Mineralogy

Is f a metal or a nonmetal?

Without knowing the specific element f, it is difficult to determine if it is a metal or nonmetal. Some elements can exhibit properties of both depending on the conditions. Can you provide more information about element f for a more accurate answer?

What are groups of minerals that include fluorine chlorine bromine?

Halide minerals are groups of minerals that typically include fluorine (e.g. fluorite), chlorine (e.g. halite), and bromine (e.g. bromellite). These minerals are characterized by their chemical composition, which includes halide ions such as F-, Cl-, and Br-.