Queen Elizabeth II is head of the British Monarchy.The Monarchy in Britain has a long and colourful history.
the kings government was monarchy.
The monarchy of Elizabeth I was far different from the monarchy of Elizabeth II.
Italy used to be a monarchy which is a country ruled by kings and queens
This pestilence must not threaten the monarchy!
Izzie thought it would be cool for America to have a monarchy, because that way the country could have royals.
In the early twenties Egypt won independence from Britain and created itself as a monarchy
The monarchy in this country is led by a king who inherited the throne from his father.
Their form of government was a limited monarchy.
The monarchy is collapsing. Is Monaco a duchy or monarchy? Why don't Monarch butterflies have a monarchy?
A monarchy is the government which is ruled by one person, who is wholly set apart from all other members of the state, just like George Bush.
The British Monarchy is a very rich one.