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Q: A good place to keep the MSDS's would be?
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It would be a good idea to return the replacement to the land records office or simply keep it in a safe place with the original.It would be a good idea to return the replacement to the land records office or simply keep it in a safe place with the original.It would be a good idea to return the replacement to the land records office or simply keep it in a safe place with the original.It would be a good idea to return the replacement to the land records office or simply keep it in a safe place with the original.

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A cordless speaker telephone would be helpful to have in your garage. Another place would be in the bathroom. Anywhere that you would need to keep your hands free would be a good place.

Who can a medical assistant consult about hazardous chemicals used in a laboratory?

In the United States, your employer is required to keep a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemical used, including cleaning products and hand soap or sanitizer, and they must be available to every employee. It's best to keep all MSDSs in a ringbinder notebook and keep it in a specific location available to all employees. You may be able to find MSDSs for various products online. Some companies also include an address on their labeling where you can write to obtain an MSDS for that product.

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Keep it clean, lightly oiled, in a dry place.

Will a fringe suit me?

Ummmm.... When I had a fringe I really hated it so if you have thick hair it would not be good because it would be hard to keep it in place but if you have normal thinner hair then it would be fine.

Why would a car accelerate slowly and then keep losing power?

Check the fuel filter first. There are many possibilities, but that's a good place to start.

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To keep the fishing trip affordable, it is advisable to go somewhere reasonably local as this will keep travel costs down. A good place to find further information would be to ask in your local tackle and bait shop.

Can you keep a frog in a medium sized plastic jar?

it is not a good place to keep a frog dont you think

Where is the best place to keep a horse?

The "best" place to keep a horse is in a barn where they can get the proper care, feeding, and attention that they need. A good barn to keep a horse at would be one where the horse would have companions, either other horses or other animals. There should also be a good amount of space in a clean pasture for the horse to be able to be let loose in.

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money box or a bank.

You have many old cookbooks and would like to sell--no more extra room to keep them where is a good place to advertise?

Are they good cookbooks? I would browse some Cooking magazines to inquire about advertising. You can always post them on Craig's List! It's free... :)

Is Canada a good place to keep a Siberian husky?

I would assume so! Huskys enjoy large, open spaces. They're very active dogs, and would also be well fitted for the climate of O'Canada. If you keep it active, a husky will live quite well.