

5 ways to stop water pollution?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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14y ago

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5 ways of water pollution are throwing litter into the sea if you are at the beach because turtles can mistake a plastic bag for a jelly fish and eat it and then choke on it and die of suffocation or if they can still breath it might stop them from eating and starve them to death. Also putting things down the toilet that you not supposed to like paint and oils. There are also oil spills from boats, because fish and other animals in the sea cant breathe in oils. And if you put manure on your garden don't use to much of it because it might go through the ground and go to the nearest water source. Turn off taps when you don't need them on because this can help to stop water shortages in some countries.

I know it's not 5 but i couldn't find any more

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