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Developing a rash around the sting area means the sting is still inside your body. This could be very dangerous, please immediately consult a doctor.

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Q: You got stung by a wasp 10 days ago and have now developed a rash around the sting area?
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What do you put on a yellow jacket bee bite?

Immediately daub the stung area with Sting-Kill or meat tenderizer. After, you can ice the stung area to keep down the swelling.

What happens if you get sting by a black wasp?

The sting and the area around it will hurt badly, and will swell up a bit if you are not allergic. If you are allergic go to the hospital right away. To help the sting afterward (if you're not allergic) soak the stung area in epsom salt and water to get out the toxins if possible.

Does being stung by a wasp effect breastfeeding?

A wasp sting will not effect breastfeeding. A wasp sting will only effect the area of the body around the sting. Breastfeeding is safe to continue after a wasp sting. Breast milk has the ability to heal the sting and other skin irritations by applying a small amount of the milk to the irritated area.

What types of symptoms can you show after a insect bite or sting?

Yes; the poison in the sting of a wasp can cause allergic reactions. This is especially dangerous if you have been stung in the mouth or throat as the swelling could cause you to choke or suffocate.

What do you do when you've found a jellyfish?

Don't touch it, if you do you could possibly get stung by one of it's tentacles. If you do in fact get stung, have someone urinate on the affected area, urine is sterile and it's chemical properties relieve the pain of the sting.

Is it okay to shower with a bee sting?

When a person gets stung by a bee, it is ok to shower as they normally do. Even so, they should be careful not to scrub the area of the sting too strongly, which may cause further irritation.

If you got stung by a bees?

remove the sting and wash the area with water or sand to remove the scent the dying bee marks you with as a target for her fellow bees. if you are allergic or if you start swelling up or if you got stung in the face or neck go to hospital immidietly.

What will happen if you get stung by a bee?

The stung area gets red and swollen. Sometimes the stinger will get stuck in the wounded area. You are then to pull it out. Ice should ease the pain. Nothing serious usually happens because of a bee's sting. However, multiple bee stings at one time can cause serious consequences.

What is the area of Stung Treng Province?

The area of Stung Treng Province is 11,092 square kilometers.

Why is it warm around the area where i got stung by a flying insect?

Because the body is trying to heal the wound.

What are the odds being stung by a jellyfish?

a painful strike to the stung area and a possibility of paralyzment

What do you do if your cat gets stung by a wasp?

well if your cat gets stung then the best way to deal with it is to put a cold cloth on the cats stung area and then you call the vets and arrange an appointment quickly and then you if you cannot get a vet appointment then you get a Nat bite sucker and use it on the cat to suck out the sting