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The limnetic zone

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10y ago

You will find it in both, but more often in the oceans where the annual plankton bloom serves as the beginning of a vast food chain.

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14y ago

Limnetic zone.

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Q: Where are plankton-eating fish most likely to live in a freshwater lake?
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Where are plankton eating fish most likely to live in a freshwater lake?

The plankton eating fish are most likely to live in the warmer and more aerated sections of the freshwater lake. Plankton thrive in areas that are not too frosty.

Are there marine life in lake toba?

Yes, Lake Toba in Indonesia is home to several species of fish, including carp, tilapia, and catfish. Additionally, there are freshwater snails and shrimp that live in the lake.

What is definition of saltwater fish?

Saltwater fish have a natural habitat in the sea. Whereas, freshwater fish has a habitat in a river or a lake.

Do species of freshwater fish that live together in a lake form a habitat?

No, they form a community

Is lake Albert a freshwater lake?

Lake Albert is Africa's 7th Largest Lake. It is a freshwater Lake

What is the meaning of freshwater fish?

A freshwater fish is simply a fish that lives in salt-free water, such as a lake or a pond.

Is lake water fresh water?

It depends on the structure of the lake. If the lake has an outlet and is not directly connected to the sea, then it would be freshwater. If the lake has no outlet, it is most likely saltwater.

Is Lake Garda salt water?

No, it is definitely a freshwater lake!

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Lake Malawi is the longest freshwater lake in Africa.

What is the largest freshwater lake is the world?

Lake Baikal Is the worlds largest freshwater lake

What is the largest freshwater lake by volume?

The largest freshwater lake by volume is Lake Baikal in Russia.

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