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To give you some background on myself I am a 30 year landscape veteran that went back to school in 2003. I have studied this question in my horticulture classes back in 2003 and as I remember I was told that termites do not eat mulch that termites only ate solid wood and was backed by scientific data. As a good student I agreed and to listen to my teacher because that is what you go to school for and I have always been hungry for knowllage.Recently I done more research on the study to prove my education. The first thing a person has to understand is that termites are are subterane
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Q: Will mulch draw termites
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Can termites live in mulch?

Yes termites can live in anyorganic wooden mulch but not cow manure mulch

Do Termites eat landscaping mulch?

no they eat people!

Which is less likely to cause termites pea gravel or mulch?

Both provide a favorable habitat for termites; controlled temperature and moisture retention. I'm not sure which mulch is "less" likely to attract termites. Based on research I've performed on the internet, some say that pea gravel or rock mulch maintains moisture in the soil better than wood mulch, and thus is more attractive to termites. Wood much is better for plants because it eventually breaks down and provides nutrients. If you use pea gravel as a mulch, you need to make sure to choose plants that can handle the added heat because pea gravel will retain heat more than wood mulch. I'm not an expert. I've picked up this info by researching the internet.

Will mulching your house cause termites?

I know at a branch bank where I worked in the 90's had a termite problem and the company who treated them said they were in the mulch around the building. Now this was a brick building with NO wood against the ground other than the mulch around the plantings next to the building. The termites found a crack in the mortar and/or the brick and did damage to the wood framing inside the walls.

Binweevils what pictures r the pictures for the mulch-tastic on draw on 3 feb 2010?

egg egg trophy crown

Does red wood mulch cause termites and other house problems?

Mulch and TermitesMulch adjacent to the foundation can provide food and moisture needed by termites and other insects. This should not be a real problem as long as you have a pest control company regularly inspect and spray.CORRECT ANSWER:Im told that cedar, cypress and redwood much is too hard for termites to eat because its so dense. So the answer is no. AnotherI am not an expert, so this info needs to be confirmed or refuted by one. Hopefully a true expert will improve these answers, and in the meantime these answers will have to be from a lay standpoint. Over many years I have been told that Redwood and Cedars [same family] are among the softest woods existing, but that does not matter in relation to the question regarding "...termites and other house problems."It is my understanding that Cedar and Redwood contain a very strong oil [which by the way is what causes the odor of these woods] which acts as a repellent for insects. IF this is true, then rather than causing problems, Cedar and Redwood mulch would be a good thing for your yard and house, as the mulch would repel insects.

What type of wood do termites prefer?

There are a few things that help keep termites alive and in your home - water, cellulose and shelter. Cellulose is what makes up dead wood. Termites "eat" cellulose in order to stay alive, absorbing its nutrients and moisture. When there is no cellulose, they look elsewhere for sources of nutrition. Termites can survive solely on water; however cellulose is the best source of nutrients for their diet. Termites will eat any type of wood, as long as the wood is dead, and most houses have plenty of dead wood for termites to feast on. Stumps, mulch, and other wood debris are a perfect meal for a hungry termite. If termites get into the foundation of a home and into the wooden structure, they can cause severe damage. By: MTS

Why do people kill termites?

Subterranean termites live in colonies underground. The workers travel up top side to find wood cellulose to feed the colony.Termites are blind and don't know what wood to eat. They just search until they bump into wood and then they feed on it and take it back to feed the colony. If a termite worker finds wood in your house they will continue to feed off of it until the wood is gone , causing millions of dollars of damage to homes every year. Traditionally, there are two ways exterminators remove termites - Vikane gas, which requires you to vacate your home as it will be tented and pumped full of toxic gas and termidor, a bait that is shared by the community. Termidor is typically used to treat subterranean pests.

Is mulch living?

mulch is living

Rubber Mulch?

form_title= Rubber Mulch form_header= Rid yourself of cuts and scrapes with rubber mulch. Do you have any heat requirements for the mulch?*= () Yes () No Have you ever used rubber mulch before?*= () Yes () No Is the mulch for a playground? *= () Yes () No

How do you get mulch on binweevils?

right its me again Owen i am going to tell you how to get mulch on bin weevils crosswords give you 400 mulch finding the crown 100 mulch wining lottery 1200 mulch

What is the best mulch?

The best mulch is the kind that lasts for 10 years and does not allow weeds to grow through. That mulch is called Roll Out Rubber Mulch.