

Best Answer

No they will just find another way in I have been fighting this issue for a month hopefully in 2 more I can afford to move sometimes I feel like living in my car I have gotten rid of everything that is not necessary to live day to day and they still keep coming the expensive heating treatments I cant afford!

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Which unit is used when measuring electrical potential?

The most common unit of electrical potential is the Volt (V)

Why electric field is zero when electrical potential is constant?

When the electric field is zero, it means there is no change in electrical potential across the field. In other words, the equipotential surfaces are parallel, indicating a constant electrical potential. This relationship arises from the fact that the electric field is the negative gradient of the electrical potential.

Where can more information be found on Venice rental apartments?

One can find more information about Venice rental apartments by visiting the local housing agency to look at potential rental apartments. One could also find rental apartments by cruising around town.

What is electrical energy to potential energy in real life?

In real life, electrical energy can be converted into potential energy when a battery charges up by storing electrical energy as chemical potential energy. When the battery is connected to a circuit, this stored potential energy is converted back into electrical energy to power devices.

What is the relations between electrical field and electrical potential?

The electrical field is the force per unit charge experienced by a charged particle in an electric field. The electrical potential, or voltage, is the energy per unit charge required to move a charged particle between two points in an electric field. The relationship between them is that the electric field is the negative gradient of the electrical potential.

What is the amount and kind of electrical potential of an object?

The amount of electrical potential of an object is measured in volts, commonly referred to as voltage. The kind of electrical potential an object has can be either positive or negative, depending on whether it has an excess or a deficiency of electrons.

What is the unit of electrical potential?

The unit of electrical potential is the volt (V). It represents the amount of potential energy per unit charge at a point in an electric circuit.

Do charges in an electric circuit flow because of a difference in electrical potential energy?

Yes, charges in an electric circuit flow from areas of higher electrical potential energy to areas of lower electrical potential energy. This creates a potential difference that drives the flow of charges through the circuit.

When the electrical potential in a cell is in action versus a resting state the electrical charge reversal?

When a cell is in action, the electrical potential becomes more positive compared to the resting state. This is due to an influx of positively charged ions such as sodium. During the resting state, the electrical potential is negative, maintained by the concentration gradient of ions across the cell membrane.

Why the earth potential is considerd as zero potential?

Earth potential is considered as zero potential because it serves as a common reference point for electrical systems. Any voltage measurement is referenced to the earth potential, making it convenient to establish a standard of zero potential for electrical circuits and grounding systems. This helps in ensuring safety and proper functioning of electrical equipment.

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Action potential is an?

Explosion of electrical activity