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Q: Will breast milk make antibodies for a bee or wasp sting?
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What is the best cow's milk or a breast milk?

Breast milk is best as it is untouched by flies and germs which contaminate the milk. Breast milk also contains antibodies that help in protecting the body from various diseases(this is mainly in small children)

What does breast milk supply that normal milk doesn't?

Antibodies - to help the baby fight off infections.

When a baby ingests breast milk the milk's IgA antibodies may be absorbed into the baby's bloodstream because .?

many pepsinogen molecules remain unchanged

How long does breast milk provide baby with antibodies?

Your baby will get antibodies from breastfeeding throughout the time you are breastfeeding and for 2-3 months after weaning.

What is the best for baby a breast milk or industrial milk?

Breast milk is always best - as it contains natural nutrients, and antibodies to boost the baby's immune system. Formula - is only intended as a substitute - for use when breast-feeding is not practical, not as a full-time replacement !

Why do women put breast milk in babies eyes?

No woman or mother should put breast milk in a baby's eyes! Myths and folklore often have NO basis in fact or medicine. Breast milk is meant only to be a nutrient. Any antibodies present in breast milk will only be of benefit if consumed as breast milk, processed through the child's blood stream, and delivered to the cells. Breast milk has NO benefits when applied topically e.g. applied to the skin, ears, or eyes.

What class of antibodies is mainly found in sweat tears breast milk and GI secretions?

IgA antibody, found in mucous membrane secretions, mother's breast milk, etc.

When a baby ingests breast milk the milk's IgA antibodies may be absorbed into the baby's bloodstream because?

many pepsinogen molecules remain unchanged

Make breast milk?

Breast milk or lactation is caused by pregnancy hormones and nursing.

What is in breast milk to protect babies from infectious diseases?

Breast milk (esp the very first called colostrum) contains mother's antibodies. Baby gets these passively. That means that they are "borrowed" for awhile until he makes his own.

What are the adventages of mothers breast milk over non-breast milk?

Breast milk is best for both your baby and you as it contains a substance called cholostrum which strengthens your babys immune system and so reduces the risk of your baby catching infections and cholostrum isn't found in formula milk also breast feeding is very good for you as when your baby suckles on your breast your stomach muscles and your uterus muscles constrict and you can actually feel then tighten and go back to their normal size which you want to happen also breast milk is totally free and easy as theres no bottles to sterilise so all in all breast milk is the best option hands down .

What can breast milk supply that other milk cant?

Breast milk provides unique antibodies, enzymes, growth factors, and hormones that support the baby's immune system and digestive health. It also changes in composition to meet the evolving nutritional needs of the child. Additionally, breast milk fosters a strong bond between the mother and baby through skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding.