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It depend on what type of Snail it is because most snail produce their own shells, so the type of snail matters because some snails grow shells quicker than others and have a chance of surviving than the ones that can't grow their shell as quick.

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10y ago

If a snail breaks or loses its shell is can grow a new one. The shell making part of the snail is done in the mantle. The oldest part of the snail's mantal is in charge of repairs and can mend old breaks.

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Q: Will a snail live if it's shell is cracked?
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Is a snail's cracked shell dangerous to it?

yes with out its shell it will die

What can you do if the shell on your snail is cracked real bad?

If the shell of your snail is cracked, you can gently clean the area with a damp cloth, apply a bit of non-toxic nail polish to seal the crack, and provide your snail with a calcium supplement to aid in shell repair. It's important to monitor your snail closely for any signs of infection or distress and consult a veterinarian if needed.

If you tread on a snail and you crush its shell can it still live?

"No the snail will not live because it has all of its vital organs inside the shell". Actually a snail can survive a lot. If there is goo and the shell is almost destroyed, its best to put the thing out of its misery. But if the shell is only cracked/chipped, or even has a hole, then the snail will regrow whats needed. Try giving it some green vegetable leaves and a shaded area to recoup, but keep checking on it to see if its okay.

What animals live in a shell?

turtle,snail, etc

What has a shell and doesn't live in the sea?

A snail. A tortise.

Does a slug live in a shell?

clearly not, if a slug lived in a shell it'd be called a snail.

What will happen to your water snail if its shell fell off?

It would find a new shell to live in

Will a baby snail die if its snail shell is chipped?

yes a baby snail will die if it's shell is chipped because a snail shell is very delicate and so is the snail.

When a snail is born does it have a shell?

when a snail is born it has a shell, and its actual body is still growing in the shell.

Why does a hermit crab live inside an empty snail shell?

They livde to gether because the shell is a home for the hermit crab!

Can snails go from one shell to another?

No. The shell grows around the snail as the snail grows bigger, but the snail is fastened into its shell and cannot leave it. Hermit crabs live in empty shells, and find a new, bigger shell as they grow.

What will happen if a snail loses its shell?

The snail's shell will get writing on it. What do you think.