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yes, they really like the strawberry kind!!

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Q: Will a ladybug eat welch's fruit snacks?
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What do humens eat?

meat,vegetables,saled,snacks, fruit.

What happens if you feed a ladybug acidic fruit?

it will die they only eat aphids

What are some healthy snacks to eat with pudding?

Fresh Fruit, and Granola.

What are soem protein filled snacks i can eat?

There are many protein snacks that you can eat to help you target for your goal. Some snacks you can eat to target your goal are egg whites, beef jerky, or cottage cheese and fruit.

What kind of fruit can a ladybug eat?

Ladybird Beetles, aka Lady Bugs can eat small soaked rasins.

Will lady bugs eat fruit?

Yes, they can eat fruit. But not acidic fruits. I gave my friend a ladybug as a pet and she gave it a little piece of a raisin. And she said it was very happy!

What kind of food ladybug eat?

They Eat Mites, Fruit Worms (Lots of kinds of worms) And Small Insects.... Mostly Bugs

Do rotwilers eat snaks?

Yes, preferably Scooby Doo brand fruit snacks.

How much food do you need to eat a day?

you should eat three measl a day with no snacks in between or 2 meals with snacks and definitly fruit and an apple with every meal!

How does a ladybug eat a ladybug larva?

No they only eat aphids.

Do people from India eat dried fruit?

Yes. Dried fruits are commonly eaten as snacks there,

What snacks did kids eat in the 1920's?

Fruit, chocolate bars. Although, snacks weren't as popular as today. Three square meals with a desert at supper were the norm.