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Invertebrates molt because if they have a shell, the shell limits them to how big they can grow. When they molt though, the shell then becomes a home for another animal and then the invertebrate gets another shell.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Because the outer covering (or exoskeleton) doesn't stretch as ordinary skin does. The insect basically 'outgrows' its skin, and moults. The newly emerged insect will often gulp air to inflate its body before the new exoskeleton has time to dry - allowing for new growth.

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10y ago

Caterpillars molt so they can achieve a bigger size. Molting helps the caterpillar shed excess skin when they are getting bigger.

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13y ago

Some insects which have a hard outer covering needs to moult but smooth skin animals do not need to moult

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16y ago

it gets too big for the external skeleton

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13y ago

because you touch your self at night!

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Q: Why when an insect moults it becomes bigger?
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Where do animals who moults their skin leave it?

Insects and reptiles tend to moult. They don't have the same sort of skin as mammals do. In order to get bigger, they have to shed their skin to expand. Most just abandon the skin where it is and you can find snake skins and insect shells in the right places.

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Yes, all larvae molt. Adults don't however - nothing does after pupating as the insect is 'finished' and stopped growing.

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Yes, it is a pupae, or a juvenile stage before it becomes an adult insect.

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The female stick insects are always bigger.

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No, it doesn't.

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A household pest can be any insect that becomes a nuisance.

What is a stick insect life cycle?

The female stick insect mates (some can lay eggs without mating), sticking her eggs to leaves or just on the ground. She may lay any number between 100 and 1200. The eggs often look like plant seeds and sometimes take several months to hatch. Baby insects (nymphs) look very like their parents. As each stage (or instar) of the insect grows big enough, it moults, that is, it sheds its outer skeleton, which it eats. After several moults it develops into the fully grown stick insect. Wings develop before the final moult. All males and the females of many species have wings, though usually only the males can fly. Stick insects live about 12 months, sometimes longer when kept as pets.

When a Rhode island red moults can there be bleeding?

If there is, call the vet!

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What you are describing is most likely a crane fly. The are commonly mistaken for mosquitoes. Crane flies are much bigger than mosquitoes.

Is bigger or smaller?

When something contracts it becomes smaller.

How would you draw a diagram to represent the contrapositive of the statement If it is an ant then it is an insect?

has wings in outer circle (*bigger circle) insect inside inner circle (*smaller circle)