the mongolian death worm is a worm that eats small dessert animals but with it's acid spit it is very dangerous
You dress up as a mongolian death worm of the oposite sex and then you kill it with heartbreak. It will not be easy but I know you can do it. I learned this through "In search of the Mongolian Death Worm"
About 100mphs
The cells of a worm divide into two, then those cells divide into two, and so on and on and on.
Ole Worm died on August 31, 1654 at the age of 66.
2 weeks
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An example of parasitism in the Tundra is with the tape worm and caribou. The tape worm takes in the nutrients from the caribou. Soon, the caribou dies and the tape worm gets its food.
Beast Hunter - 2011 Mongolian Death Worm 1-5 was released on:USA: 25 March 2011Beast Hunter - 2011 Mongolian Death Worm - 1.5 was released on: USA:25 March 2011