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Moths need to be able to smell scents from a longer distance. Butterflies can find a mate through sight. Moths tend to fly at night and can find a mate through her scent.

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Q: Why moth antennae are different from butterfly?
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What looks like a butterfly but is not a butterfly?

A moth. Moths are often mistaken for butterflies due to their similar appearance, but there are key differences between the two, such as their antennae, behavior, and resting positions.

What makes the madigascan sunset moth not a butterfly?

It was originally misplaced into the genus Papilio due to the head of a butterfly being mistakenly attached to the specimen. Clubbed antennae are frequently used to distinguish butterfly and moths. Once the error was discovered, the moth was then placed into the correct genus, Urania.

How can you tell the difference between a butterfly or a moth?

powdery one is the moth

Does a butterfly have an antennae?


What does the antennae do on a butterfly?

It lets them see.

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Is Luna a butterfly or moth?

Luna is a species of moth known as Actias Luna. It is not a butterfly. Moths typically have thicker bodies, feathery antennae, and are active at night, while butterflies have slender bodies, clubbed antennae, and are active during the day.

Is a Luna a butterfly?


What is bigger butterfly or moth?

Usually butterflies, but there are pretty big moths out there.

What is the difference between caterpillars that become a butterfly and ones that become a moth?

There are no characteristics to tell if caterpillar is going to be a moth or butterfly. The best way to determine if it is a moth or butterfly is to look at the caterpillar's distinctive markings to see if you can make a species specific identification.

Does a butterfly have knobbed feelers or feathery feelers?

Butterflies have knobbed antennae. Moths have feathery antennae.

What makes the madagascan sunset moth a moth and not a butterfly?

Mostly its ugliness.