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because water is a friendly sourse of nutrient and protection to the mosquito larvae.

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Q: Why mosquito breed in stagnant water?
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Related questions

Where do the anopheles mosquito breed?

stagnant water

Where does Aedes mosquito breed?

The Aedes mosquito breeds in stagnant water.

What are the optimal conditions for mosquito breeding?

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water .

What does stagnant water breed?

Stagnant water is the perfect breeding ground for a number of insects. Dragonfly nymphs, fly maggots, mosquito larvae, water scorpions, algae and biofilm all breed in stagnant water.

What should be done when a mosquito lays eggs in the stagnant water?

pour oil into the stagnant water

What are mosquito habitats?

stagnant sitting water

What are the 3 ways that encourage the breeding of mosquito?

Stagnant water

How important is water to mosquito?

Water is essential for mosquitoes to breed as they lay their eggs in water. Mosquito larvae also require water to develop into adults. Without water, mosquitoes cannot reproduce and continue their life cycle.

Can you prevent Dengue?

Apply mosquito repelents, remove stagnant waters near your house because if they breed you bleed!

How can you prevent dengue?

Apply mosquito repelents, remove stagnant waters near your house because if they breed you bleed!

What animals live in stagnant water?

Some animals that live in stagnant water include Siamese fighting fish and walking catfish. Stagnant water is also a habitat for mosquito larvae.

Do aedes or dengue mosquitoes breed in clean swimming pool waters?

Mosquitoes will hatch in swimming pools if the water is stagnant, However if the water is regularly run through filtration and chlorinated this should not be a problem.