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No the dagger moth larvae isn't poisonous, just a skin irritant but i know first hand that the caterpillar's hairs can cause quite a bad rash on your face and neck if handled .

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yes the dagger mouth can cause very bad rashes if handled

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12y ago

Because that's how God made it

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Q: Why is the American dagger moth catapillar poisonous?
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How do you tell what the gender is of an American dagger moth?

An American dagger moth is a poisonous Caterpillar. Caterpillars do not have reproductive organs until they transform into moths, so its pretty much impossible to tell with the naked eye.

What are the defences for the American dagger moth caterpillar have?

The hairs on the American Dagger Moth caterpillars are irritating to the skin and can cause rashes.

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No but a leopard moth caterpillar can

Does the American dagger moth change colors?

Well most American dagger moths do change color, so that would be a yes

What is americandaggermoth?

The American dagger moth is a species of moth native to North America. It is known for its distinctive caterpillar, which has black and yellow stripes and can cause skin irritation if handled. The adult moth has white wings with black markings.

How long does an American dagger moth stay in its cocoon?

If you keep it in the house, where it is warm it can take about three weeks. But typically out side, they are overwinter moths, and you wont see them until the spring if you keep it in a cold place.

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the American dagger moth?

The accepted scientific name is Acronicta americana.

What does a dagger moth look like?

Can an American dagger moth give you a rash?

Yes it can... Not sure how long it lasts.. Take Benadryl and calamine lotion...

What is a bright yellow tufted horn tail caterpillar?

American Dagger Moth Caterpillar.... I found one in my drive way

What is the scientific or common name for the Lepidoptera known as the American dagger moth?

The accepted scientific or common name is Acronicta americana.

Can the American dagger moth cause a rash?

Yes, definetly. Our 4 year old son broke out in hives shortly after playing with this. Definetly an American dagger moth with the bright yellow bristles and a few sets of dark black bristles. We gave him benadryl, washed his hands and he was ok about 15 mins later.