'cause females bite, but males don't.
yes but there are exceptions like the funnel web spiders in Australia , in that case the male is 5 times more dangerous than the female
The female black widow spider is larger than the male, and therefore carries more venom.
I would say the female because it has more venom than a male black widow
The difference between a male and a female is that a female has a vagina,and a male has a penis the difference between thes are a penis is somthing that boys have and a vagina is something that a girl has.The male mosquitoes never bites and the female mosquito need blood for reproductionthanks for readingand get more knowledge at wiki.answers.com
Yes, especially when the female has young cubs to protect.
No. This is because only female mosquitos bite
You may think all mosquitoes are out to get you, but that's simply not true. Similar to other insect species like the praying mantis, only female mosquitoes are a threat to humans. As you read through the differences between female mosquitoes and male mosquitoes, be prepared for some surprises! * Both male and female mosquitoes eat flower nectar for nourishment * Female mosquitoes bite humans and animals so they can receive protein. This protein helps them lay eggs, thus bringing more blood-sucking mosquitoes into the world * A female mosquito has a ridged proboscis to pierce human and animal skin. Because of the serrated edges of her proboscis, her bite usually goes undetected until the itchiness sets in * A male mosquito has a proboscis, but it does not have ragged edges for biting * Male mosquitoes are slightly smaller than females * Only female mosquitoes make that annoying mosquito sound that puts you on red alert It's amazing to see the difference genders can make, isn't it!? Now you can rest at ease when you see a mosquito that doesn't make noise and only save your jumping for those pesky females that love to buzz before they bite.
In the animal kingdom, females could get agresive protecting the offspring.
Generally a male mosquito will live for a week whereas a female mosquito can live up to a month.
Only female mosquito insects drink blood. They penetrate your skin, then "suck" your blood. Although a mosquito bite is usually not harmful, unless it carries malaria. Then, the mosquito consumes the blood for energy. The more blood a female mosquito drinks, the more offspring it will deliver.
Unito (male) Unita (female) Uniti (male or male and female, more) Unite (female, more than one)