Termites! I just got them. They swarm when it's hottest outside.
definitaly bees! termites could win if they could fly... bees have stingers, wings, and sone have poisen! no contest.
those weird flying ants and termites can loose their wings sometimes :D hope this helps a little!
Yes but not distinct like ants since not segmented, one of the ways to tell the difference between the two, also antenna is straight vs elbowed, beaded instead of having club at end and wings are different
They're termites during mating season.
One detects termites having eaten wood along the foundation of their home by the crumbling apart of wood and little white insect larve called termites. Termites when mature look like ants with wings. They will be living under that rotten wood when you pull it apart from the foundation.
The summers triangle relates to the position of the stars in the sky and summer came on the wings is a relative term. The term birds is Greek and is used in the same terms as the bird of Zeus that reflects the triangle in the stars.
when summer brings butter those things
Maxwell. Its from his album Black Summer's Night.
either Termites or may flies,