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Normally, honey locusts have thorns, which they developed as a kind of protection. However, there is a variation (G. t. inermis) that is thornless, and occasionally found growing in the wild. It's, as you can imagine, sought after by humans as an alternative to the thorned variety.

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Q: Why do some Honey locust have thorns and others not?
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Which trees have thorns?

Some trees that have thorns include honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), and hawthorn (Crataegus spp.). Thorns help protect the tree from herbivores and other threats.

What is the llfe span of sunburst locust tree?

The life expectancy of the sunburst locust tree is 120-years, although some have lived up to 150-years.The Sunburst Honey Locust is an ideal specimen tree, with brilliant foliage during the spring and fall seasons.

What is the Genus Species name for a Honey Locust tree?

There are many different types of locusts with different genera and species. The genus Schistocerca includes the American locust(species Americana) and the desert locust(species gregaria). Some other locusts are the Locusta migratoria(migratory locust) , Nomadracis septemfasciata(red locust), and Locustana pardalina(brown locust).

Why are some thorns softer than others?

Thorns can vary in hardness due to differences in their structure, composition, and the plants they come from. Some thorns may have a higher water content or be less densely packed, making them softer to the touch compared to thorns that are more rigid and densely structured. Additionally, the evolutionary purpose of the thorn can influence its hardness, with some evolved to be more pliable for defensive purposes while others are hard and sharp for protection.

What about a thorn among the roses?

The cactus and the rose aren't alone in having defensive thorns or thorn equivalents in the plant world. Among herbaceous plants are brambles. Among woody shrubs and trees are the Burford holly ['Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii'], firethorn [Pyracantha spp], greenbriar[Smilax spp], hardy orange[Poncirus trifoliata], hawthorn [Crataegus spp], and honey locust[Gleditsia triacanthos].

How do you write locust in a sentence?

Here are some sentences.The locust is a type of grasshopper.The locust population is rising.

How many locust are there in a swarm?

Locust swarm

Does kudzu have thorns?

No, kudzu does not have thorns. It is a climbing vine that can grow rapidly and cover other plants but does not possess thorns for protection like some other plant species.

What is the main purpose of a honey comb?

The honey bee makes comb out of wax which will allow the queen to lay eggs in the comb cells. Some cells are used to store honey and others to store pollen.

Do the locust in gears of war have a sign?

yes, go to google images and type in "locust symbol". some locust have the symbol on a necklace that serves the same purpose as COG tags

Can some people catch a locust with hands?

well some people belive that u can but the vibes in your hands wont let u catch locust

How do you get rid of thorns in your pants?

Thorns in your pants can hurt your fingers if you touch them. Wear some rubber or leather gloves. You will then be able to pick the thorns off of your pants.