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The reason people stink is because they don't wash up or brush they teeth or do any of that stuff!:(

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Q: Why do people sweat and stink?
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Why do fat women stink?

Fat people sweat and sweat makes u stink

Why do people's underarms stink?

They sweat & it produces the odor-no mystery here.

Why do arm pits smell?

people sometimes get sweat and sweat get stinky so yep uh huh wooooooooohooooooooooooo stink!

Why do your bras stink?

boob sweat.

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Why do your sweat stink?

Because it just freaking happens

Why do football players stink?

we sweat and work hard that's why

Do men sweat more than women?

No. Both men and women have major sweat glands in their armpits and, believe it or not, women have bigger ones that tend to sweat and stink a LOT more. Some people say they are made like that to "out stink men", but most people think that a long time ago, to find a mate, a women's stink would attract one.

Do boys stink more than girls?

Yeah. They do sweat more. sorry.

Why does your private area stink?

Due to the buildup of bacteria on the skin from sweat and urine.

Why do arm pits stink?

Your arm pits stink due to the bacteria and sweat buildup. There are many deodorants and antiperspirants available to combat this problem.

how can you make yourself stink?

Odor is created when you sweat a lot. So, if you want to stink, you should wear a lot during summertime and not bathe.