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it is actually poop

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Q: Why do ladybugs leave orange stuff on your hand?
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Related questions

Do ladybugs defecate?

yes it is yellow and sticky and not very nice on your hand

How do you give ladybugs baths?

With the a cotton put water put the ladybug on your hand and move it in the cotton

How do you give someone an orange?

You hand it to them.

Are ladybugs mean or friendly?

Ladybugs are perfectly safe, and will not bite and dont sting. They will screte a yellow liquid sometimes if you hold her in your hand, this is not 'pee', it is its blood. Yes it is smelly but all you do is wash it off it is not poisonous or anything.

What is The invisible hand is?

stuff RC

Is orange hand cleaner an acid or a base?

Orange hand cleaner is typically a base. It contains alkaline ingredients that help to break down grease and oils on the hands.

What are the ladybugs location?

Lady bugs are most often found in hot country's, they are sometimes found in Scotland because people smuggle them into there hand luggage and there have been reports that ladybugs can be attractid to human hair ! Hope you find this useful! (:

How do you touch stuff?

you raise your hand and put your hand on the object that you want to touch

What squadrons dropped agent orange bombs in Vietnam?

For starters, try website, "Operation Ranch Hand." That stuff was loaded and sprayed from UH-1 Iroquois (Hueys), C-123s and C-130 Hercules transports.

What comes out of spider man's hand?

white stuff

Do ninja hand signs exist?

Kuji-in or Kuji Kiri use hand seals for stuff...

How do I use a hand juicer on an orange?

Take the outside skin off first. No need to run that through the juicer and stress the unit.