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Fireflies or lightning bugs use specific flash patterns to signal potential mates. Their glow also lets predators know that they taste bad.
They have a bulb that glows. The male firefly has only one bulb whereas the female firefly has two bulbs which allows it to glow brighter than its male counterpart.
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12y ago
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14y ago

Fireflies can light up because of bioluminescence. (I think that's how you spell it) They have certain chemicals that light up when combined in their abdomen. Bioluminescence is also found in some aquatic animals.

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14y ago

As adults, typically it is to attract mates. The firefly bioluminescent light is used for mate selection and courtship rituals. There are some of the 2000 species of fireflys that do not light up.

All firefly larvae (young) light up, typically as a defence against predators.

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12y ago

Fireflies produce a chemical reaction inside their bodies that allows them to light up. This type of light production is called bioluminescence. The method by which fireflies produce light is perhaps the best known example of bioluminescence. When oxygen combines with calcium, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the chemical luciferin in the presence of luciferase, a bioluminescent enzyme, light is produced. Unlike a light bulb, which produces a lot of heat in addition to light, a firefly's light is cold light, without a lot of energy being lost as heat. This is necessary because if a firefly's light-producing organ got as hot as a light bulb, the firefly would not survive the experience.

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13y ago

When a firefly lights up, its trying to attract a mate.

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13y ago

Fireflies use their light to attract other fireflies for the purpose of mating.

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12y ago

because they are fire flies

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Q: Why do fireflies glow at night?
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Fireflies make their bellies glow by combining certain chemicals that make a "glow" in their bellies. This glow is used to communicate to other fireflies.

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Fireflies glow to avoid?

Fireflies glow for two reasons. One reason they glow is to avoid predators. Another reason they glow is to attract a mate.

What is this insect name that light up in the night?

There are several insect that can produce light in the thorax. These include: * glow worms * fireflies

What do fireflies give out?

Glow light source

Are there any pictures of fireflies that glow red?

The most common fireflies glow yellow. However, there are species that glow green or pale red. Their light wavelengths vary from 510 to 670 nm.

Are fireflies safe for a bearded dragon?

No. Fireflies can kill due to neurotoxins that cause them to glow. Do not, under any circumstances, feed fireflies.

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They can't glow. Reindeer noses can't glow, it's impossable to glow. Only fireflies can glow because of science.

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The flashing pattern of the firefly is used to attract the opposite sex and find a mate. The patterns attract only other fireflies, not other species, and this is why it is an isolation behavior.

Do fireflies and glow sticks work the same way?
