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Earthworms stay underground because the darkness lets them avoid being dried out by the sun. Light paralyzes them if they are in it for too long (more than an hour). They therefore cant move back to safety and dies. Also if the skin dries out, they are unable to breathe. When the place is too hot or too warm, they burrow into the soil.

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12y ago

They are called underground farmers because they enrich the soil by digging tunnels and all living underground.

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11y ago

Earthworms live underground as they breath by absorbing oxygen through their skin from the moisture in the ground. If left above ground they will soon dry up and suffocate.

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they cant

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Q: Why do earthworms stay underground?
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Why do earthworms stay underground during the daytime?

Earthworms stay underground to obtain food and to avoid heat above the earth crust .

Why do earthworms come up to the surface when it is raining?

Earthworms come up to the surface during rain because the ground is saturated with water. If they stay underground, they will drown.

Where do earthworms live at?

earthworms live in complicated dug-out communities underground.

What do earthworms need in Order to live?

Earthworms needs alot of things in order to live, Because they all live underground. Inaddition to that earthworms needs... -soil -leaves -underground and plants. We all make earthworms depending on the environment we have it in.

Why earthworms live in soil?

they live underground because they find food there

Do earthworms need to stay moist?

Yes. earthworms require their skin to be moist to breathe.

How earth worm sees underground?

Earthworms do not see. They function by means of the sense of touch.

Where do Earthworms live in?

They live underground that's why they are called earthworms.

Can you name some underground animals?

Animals that live underground include many rodents such moles, voles, gophers and shrews. Earthworms also tend to live underground. Some animals, such as prairie dogs, ground hogs and others make underground burrows but do not stay underground all of the time.

Why dont earthworms dry up?

They do unless they stay close to the moisture in the ground.

Why are worms blind?

Earthworms because of the environment they live in do not require eyes. Living underground at depths often void of light the earthworms have developed very acute sensory cells in their skin.

What animals can stay underground?

worms and moles