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why would you want to know? You are such an idiot! But the real answer is because the creator was very small so he made things at a small perspective! So uhh yea go die in your neighbors driveway!

Love and kisses mon!

I'm from Australia


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Q: Why do bumbull bee bats so small?
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What is a bee joke?

A bee joke: Why was the bee so itchy? He had hives.

Is an bee a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

A Bee is an Invertebrate.A bee had an exoskeleton so it is an invertebrate.

What are Bats pretetors?

Bats do have some predators. Most bats are quite small, so they are easily preyed on by birds of prey, snakes, small carnivorous mammals like weasels, and rats. The largest bats, the flying foxes, probably have few predators.

What is the pH of wasp and bee sting?

Bee stings and most wasp stings include formic acid, so the pH is acid. However, the portal of entry of the injected toxin is so small that an application of baking soda or the like is likely to be ineffective. The pH of bee venom is between 5.0 and 5.5. The pH of wasp venom is 6.8 to 6.9: it is almost neutral.

Will bumble bee gobys eat baby guppys?

The Goby (Freshwater) eats small live foods, so, yes, they do eat baby fish. :)

Where is the bees house in the bee movie?

The bee movie is a cartoon, so the bee house was drawn. It's not a real place.

Why do the digger bee and the palo verde live together?

Because of there relationship (mutualism) they need to live together so the bee can pollinate the tree and so the tree can give the bee nectar.

Where do bees go during a storm?

in any small whole.....underground, in tree truncks, bee hives, and even in ur house but sometimes for instance a bee chased me in that rain when I was goin to my car so no always do bees go hide lol good luck everyone

Opposite of queen bee?

The queen bee is female, so are all worker bees. The male bees are called drones.

Why only bees can see ultraviolet light?

only bee's can is because they have extra far eye site so theat they can see far and very small things

How many legs does a bee have?

Like all insects, a bee has six legs.Six

Do baby bee's hatch in eggs?

The honey bee cycle is: egg, larva, pupa, adult bee - so the larva hatches from the egg, not the adult bee. The larva hatches from the egg after about three days.