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That cultivation can exert weakening influences is the reason why pests are more of a problem for cultivated than for wild plants. Cultivated plants become dependent upon both the gardener's and Mother Nature's scheduling and supplying appropriate aeration, light, moisture, nutrients, and temperature whereas wild plants must adapt and become more resistant only to natural forces.

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Q: Why are pests more of a problem for cultivated plants than for wild plants?
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How do bromliads help us?

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How do pests attack plants?

It depends on the pest involved. The one's that cause the most serious damage are gophers which will eat the roots out from under it or snails/slugs which can cause major leaf damage. There are beneficial critters out the too. See here for more-

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Examples Of Pests?

Some common examples of pests are rodents, snails, slugs, locusts, cabbage butterfly and many more.

How do you control pests without chemicals?

Plant vegetable varieties that have been proven to be resistant to disease and pests. Organic Insecticides are more effective controlling pests and are safer and easier to use.

What are some plants grown in China?

tea (world's no 2 producer) cannabis (originated near the border in India) bamboo rice mung beans (one of the first plants to be cultivated by man) chillies soya beans many more, but these are some noteable ones

Is killing animals so that more plants may live a solution?

What possible problem does that solve?

How many crops can be cultivated in a year?

more then 500000 crops in a year