

Why are flower beds called flower beds?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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14y ago

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Because bulbs need some place to get laid.

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Q: Why are flower beds called flower beds?
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Where can you purchase plans for raised flower beds?

One can purchase raised flower beds in both local and online flower shops such as the following; Eartheasy, which sells classy selections of raised flower beds, Home depot and Lowe's also sell variety of raised flower beds.

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"flower beds"

Which lake does Violet what the flower beds next to?

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How do you keep grass from growing into your flower bed?

You can not really put anything in your flower beds to prevent grass, but if you happen to get grass in your flower beds, there is a product called Ortho Grass B Gon Garden Grass Killer. It kills grasses without causing any harm to flowers or groundcover.

Flower Beds?

form_title= Flower Beds form_header= Create a beautiful flower bed in your outdoor space. What type of flowers do you want to plant?*= _ [50] What is your normal climate?*= _ [50] Do you have any pets?*= () Yes () No

What is Name for formal arrangement of flower beds?


We enjoy wild geese but want to keep them on the path from the lake and out of our flower beds.?

Display some predator decoys or sound decoys next to lake and flower beds.

Which landscaping rock style is best for flower beds?

Any type of landscaping rock of your choice will work for flower beds. has a wide variety of landscaping rocks.

What is the name of flower which just before they open?

A bud

What can you do about tree roots that are invading your flower beds?

It is advisable to build flower beds away from possible invasive tree roots. Barring that, you can build a deep wall to prevent root intrusion.

What has a bed and does not sleep?

"Flowers" have a bed (they are planted in flower beds) and they do not sleep.

Your dog urinates in flower beds?

Well it is better than using the sofa