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Conifer trees include pine, spruce, fir, and larch among others.

They are excellent sources of lumber because they grow relatively quickly.

Their natural habit is tall and straight, producing long lengths of raw timber.

The timber is soft and relatively easy to cut/ harvest and work into lumber.

They have few pests.

They can easily be farmed (silviculture) and produced.

The timber has few knots, so less wastage.

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Q: Why are conifers excellent sources of lumber?
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How are conifers economically important?

Conifers are economically important because of their efficient production of lumber. Hardwoods are more difficult to process, too expensive, and the trees take a long time to replenish.

What important products comes from gymnosperms?

Paper and other products, such as the lumber used to build homes, come from conifers.

What are two of the most important products that come from conifers?

Two important products that come from conifers are lumber, which is used for construction, furniture, and paper products, and pine resin, which is used in the production of adhesives, varnishes, and as a base for certain perfumes.

What are plants that are sources of lumber?

Softwood trees like pine and fir, and hardwood trees like oak and maple.

Why do people still buy timber?

People buy "timber" as an investment. Timber is uncut lumber. People buy lumber because it is an excellent building material and is renewable.

In what ways are conifers important to humans?

Conifers are a tree or shrub. Conifer trees spread over large areas of land, and so, play a major role in ecological balance especially in the Northern Hemisphere. So while their lives are not directly involved in most people's everyday life, these trees do play a vital role in how humans live. For example, these trees are numerous so they remove a lot of carbon dioxide from the air and give oxygen for human consumption. Conifers are also a soft wood so they can be used by humans, especially for paper products.

Is coniferous wood soft or hard?

Usually conifers are used in Landscaping, The schrubs if harvested would be used in manufactured wood, if your refering to Pine trees, they harvested for building lumber.

Where does the majority of Canada's lumber come from?

Canada export their lumber to MANY places! Some examples are Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Europe, United States, and of course they keep some of their lumber. They produce lots of lumber, and that's one of their main profit sources.

What are some sources of cheap wood for burning in stoves?

Two sources of cheap wood for burning in stoves is a lumber salvage yard or a lumber mill. You may also be able to find cheap wood for burning in stoves at a commercial woodworking firm or a construction site.

How are flowering plants and conifers in common?

Flowering plants and conifers are both seed-producing plants, but they differ in their reproductive structures. Flowering plants produce flowers that contain reproductive organs, while conifers produce cones that house their seeds. Both groups are vital to ecosystems as sources of food, shelter, and oxygen.

Are conifers 1 celled plants?

yes they are

What is the carbon footprint of a 2x4 lumber?

The carbon footprint of a 2x4 lumber depends on various factors such as the type of wood, sourcing, processing, and transportation. On average, the production of lumber generates about 1.9 kg of CO2 per kg of wood. However, sustainable forestry practices and using local sources can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with 2x4 lumber.