because the can kill plants by sucking the sap and vector plant viruses and diseases
Because they are "helpful" to gardeners, they keep aphids under control.
Onespotted Stink Bugs, Thrips, Mosquitos, Aphids, and Sawflies.
Yes, aphids are harmful. The insects in question (Aphidoidea superfamily) extract internal, vital saps from edible, ornamental, and woody plants while simultaneously disfiguring foliar surfaces, reducing marketability and usability, and vectoring viral diseases.
By eating them, mostly. For example, a ladybug can eat hundreds of aphids a day, thereby saving the plant from being sucked dry by the aphids.
Ladybug beetles are certainly not harmful. They are beneficial to farmers because they eat many aphids that would otherwise damage crops. They don't even bite people.
Minute pirate bugs are beneficial to the environment because they feed on harmful pests like aphids and caterpillars, helping to control their populations. They are not harmful to humans or pets.
it is probably an aphid.ladybugs eat them because aphids are extremely harmful to plants.
aphids provide a base to the food chain, attract ants that aerate and carry nutrients through the soil. hoverflies lay their eggs amongst aphid colonies the larvae consume aphids then go on to become important pollinators as adults.
Many insects are harmful to plants. Some common ones are aphids, cutworms, Mexican bean beetles, Colorado potato beetles, tomato hornworms, cabbageworms, slugs, and earwigs.
Harmful insects include aphids, whiteflies (eat our crops), mosquitos (carry disease), fleas and lice (suck blood). However, the insects that eat our crops mostly only do so because we practise too much monoculture and kill off their predators with insecticide. The herbivores such as aphids and whiteflies reproduce fast enough to build up resistance, whereas their predators such as ladybugs do not. Useful insects include those ladybugs (eat aphids etc), parasitic wasps (kill many harmful insects), and bees (pollinate plants and make sure they can reproduce and bear fruit).
Aphids are sexual.
Ladybugs are important because they eat little bugs called aphids. Aphids drink the sap of plants and if they increase their numbers they could cause the plant to dry up. So ladybugs are a biological control for aphids and that is why gardeners love them.