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Woah. This is news to me. So do you mean to tell me that my Electric iron Barbara is in fact not alive?! WHAT?! Gosh man this isn't funny. Take it back. Now.

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Q: Why a snail is considered to be a living thing whereas an electric iron is not?
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Why is a snail is considered to be a living thing whereas an electric iron is not?

Woah. This is news to me. So do you mean to tell me that my Electric iron Barbara is in fact not alive?! WHAT?! Gosh man this isn't funny. Take it back. Now.

What is the largest living species of a snail called?

the largest snail in the world which is a African giant snail weighs exactly 2 lbs

Is snail a noun?

Yes, it is a noun. A snail is a mollusc, and the names of all living things are nouns.

How did cheetahs adapt to their living?

The tree snail.

WHAT are the benefits of a crab and a snail living together?

Snail can clean glass, crab cannot. Crab can lift rocks and eat what is under them, snail cannot.

How heavy is a snail shell?

The Australian Trumpet Syrinx aruanus is the largest living marine snail, weighing up to 18kg or 40 pounds.

Where does a shell come from?

A living aquatic creature such as a snail, clam, or mollusk.

What were the dominant organisms living during the permian period?

a shark and a snail

Is a snail a biotic?

biotic because it is living and contributes to the carbon cycle

Is a snail a non living thing?

Snails are animals. They are gastropod animals, which means "stomach foot." Gastropod animals move around by crawling on their bellies (not really their stomach), and have muscular bodies. Some of them, like snails, make a shell around their bodies for protection. Slugs are a kind of snail that doesn't have a shell.

Is snail biotic or abiotic?

biotic because it is living and contributes to the carbon cycle

How big can snail grow?

A mature size of 6 inches/15 centimeters is how big a freshwater snail can grow. This isn't a typical size. Instead, it's the adult size of the apple snail [Pomaceamaculata]. The apple snail is considered the largest of the freshwater snails.