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tiny fast moving reddish brown rasberry crazy ants billions of them would totally wipeout large lonely Australia bulldog ants that are venomous they are to big to bite the tiny highly aggressive ants with their mouth pincers these new species of ants have multiple queens and are hard to eradicate they are also spreading across other areas of Texas and have been known to prey on honey bees and also fire ants rendering the species extinct in some of those areas so think twice before you ever come across an ant that is completely omnivorous attacking other insects and never aphids size really doesn't matter in these situations just look at what it did to venomous fire ants which can cause boils on the skin crazy rasberry ants are a new invading species and are highly resistant to bug sprays they are not your common ants you would find walking in a straight line they zig zag and move extremely quick they don't sting but are somehow resistant to bee venom and fire ant venom so how in the world is the bulldog ant going to fight the fastest and tiniest ants that swarm in the 50 billions not a very friendly ant species no one even knows where it came from

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Q: Who would win crazy raspberry ants vs bulldog ants?
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Are bullet ants the same thing as bulldog ants?

No, of course not. Bullet ants are the most poisonous ants in the world and the bull ants *not bulldog* are the most dangerous.

Can you legally purchase bulldog ants for an ant farm and if so where can you purchase them?

Bulldog AntsThey are native to Australia. The bulldog ants are available in Austalia but it is a lot of money to fly there.

How do you kill Bulldog or inch ants?

Bulldog or inch ants can be killed by using ant sprays or other chemicals. These sprays can be found in any major retailer such as Walmart.

What is the scientific name for bulldog ants?

The scientific name for bulldog ants is Myrmecia. They are a genus of aggressive and highly venomous ants native to Australia.

How long does it take for a bulldog ant to kill you?

What a random question lol!! It could take minuits.. it depends on the bulldog ants ability!Or it could tke hours which would be painfull ouch!

What do bulldog ants eat?

Bulldog ants are predatory insects that primarily feed on other insects, such as beetles, spiders, and other ants. They are also known to scavenge on carrion, nectar, and fruit when available. Their scavenging behavior depends on the availability of their typical prey.

Australian bulldog ants are how big?

About five inches long

Are bulldog ants invertebrates?

Yes all insects are invertebrates.

Do bulldog ants eat spiders?

More likely the other way around.

How long do bulldog ants live?

They live up to 8-10 weeks

Are yellow crazy ants pests?

not really