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Q: Who named Antarctica Ant-Arktos?
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Related questions

Does Antarctica have a city named Rome?

No, there are no cities in Antarctica.

Where is Rome Antarctica?

There is a city named Rome on every other continent, except Antarctica.

Why do you think antarctica was named terra incognita?

why do you think antarctica was named terra incognita*********************Terra incognita is Latin for unknown territory, which to early explorers of Antarctica, was an unknown land.

Who is the queen of Antarctica?

Since Antarctica is a continent with no countries, there are no officials named to such a position.

Why is Antarctica called antarictica?

Antarctica means "opposite of north". Antarctica is on the opposite end of the globe from the Arctic, which is north. That makes Antarctica be in the south. Therefore, Antarctica is "opposite of north".

Is the Antarctic in Antarctica?

The Antarctic is the name of the region of the earth that contains the continent named Antarctica.

What is a sector of Antarctica named for a Norwegian Queen?


Where did Richard Evelyn Byrd stay in Antarctica?

Byrd established bases on Antarctica and they were all named Little America.

Who is the ross sea named after?

the ross sea is named after captain ross th famous explorer that was one of the first people to discover Antarctica because the ross sea is near Antarctica

What were the continents named?

The continents are named: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America.

What physical feature in antarctica are named weddell ross and bellingshausen?

its impossibke ine is named camalla and the other too are goodwing?

Which antarctic sea is named after the explorer who made the first documented landing on Antarctica?

The Antarctic sea is not named after an explorer, but after the continent it is near to; also Antarctica was not named after anyone, but was named because of where it was. It is on the opposite side of the Arctic, so they combined anti- and Arctic( which means cold,that is how the Arctic got its name) and created Antarctic.