

Best Answer

the yellow spider ,red

· Determine the main colors that make up the spider. For example, a black widow spider is shiny and black with a bright red mark underneath that looks like an hourglass.

· 2

Determine how many eyes the spider has. Most arachnids have eight eyes, but the brown recluse has six eyes and is brown without any markings.

· 3

Notice the patterns on the spider's abdomen and the amount of hair on its legs. For example, the hobo spider and brown recluse look similar, but the hobo has a herringbone pattern on its abdomen and more hair on its legs.

· 4

Catch the spider in a humane bug catcher if you cannot identify it immediately. Examine it closely, using a magnifying glass if necessary.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Any number of venomous spider bites can potentially be fatal. These include Brown Recluse and Black Widow Spiders, among others.

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10y ago

The most poisonous spiders in the world are the Redback Spider, Sydney Funnel-Web Spider, Six-Eyed Sand Spider, Brown Widow, Brown Recluse, Black Widow, and the Brazilian Wandering Spider.

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13y ago

tarantulas,daddy-long legs, white-tail

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13y ago

it depends on what kind of spider it is.

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Q: Which spiders are harmful?
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How are spiders harmful to people?

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No spiders don't have ghosts. However their are species of spider with common names typically referred to as "ghosts" or ghost spiders. Among the species there are harmful /poisonous Species and non-harmful species. The same thing goes for the tarantula species family of spiders. There are harmful species and non-harmful species. I hoped that answered our question.

How are funnel web spiders harmful?

THere poisonus

Why is spiders harmful?

No they only get harm when you hurt them

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ALL spiders have venom to kill their prey but most spiders venom is not too harmful to humans

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Yes there are

Are Japanese spiders harmful?

Could be, because their not in America

What is the part of speech of 'bite' in a spiders bite is harmful?

In the sentence "A spider's bite is harmful", bite is a noun.

How are spiders harmful?

Some spiders can bite and inject venom, which can cause mild to severe reactions in humans. A few species of spiders have potent venom that can be harmful or even fatal to humans. Additionally, spider bites can sometimes lead to infections if not properly treated.

What is a conclusion about spiders?

As you can see, spider are amazing creatures. They are not harmful.

What spiders are harmful?

there are lots but most of them live in afraica so you dont have to worry.

Are there any harmful spiders in Melbourne Australia?

While there are many poisonous spiders, the only spider considered highly dangerous is the Red-Back.