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They would be Mollusks, (phylum Mollusca), a soft-bodied invertebrate with an unsegmented body, one muscular foot for mobility, a visceral hump, and a mantle. Most have shells, but in the case of the slug, which it has no shell.

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Q: Which soft bodied group of animals includes snails sea slugs oysters and octopuses?
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Are mollusks soft bodied?

Mollusks are soft bodied animals that can have no shells,1 shell or even 2 shells. Snails, clams, sea slugs, clams, scallops, oysters, octopuses, and squid, are some types of Mollusks.

To what phylum would animals like to squidward belong?

Squidward would belong to the phylum Mollusca, along with other animals like squids and octopuses. This phylum includes soft-bodied animals with a muscular foot and a mantle that may secrete a shell.

What are soft bodied animals?

Soft-bodied animals are those that lack a hard external skeleton or shell for support and protection. This includes animals such as jellyfish, sea slugs, worms, and octopuses. They may have soft, flexible bodies that allow for movement and flexibility.

What are some soft bodied animals that usually have a shell?

Soft bodied animals that usually have a shell include clams, oysters, and mussels. Some others are squid, octopus, and crustaceans.

What is a sample of a mollusk?

An oyster is an example of a mollusk. Mollusks are soft-bodied animals that typically have a calcium carbonate shell for protection. Oysters are bivalve mollusks, meaning they have two hinged shells.

What is a hollow bodied animals?

The answer is in the question.

List 20 soft-bodied animals?

Worms Slugs Jellyfish Octopuses Squid Cuttlefish Sea cucumbers Sea anemones Nudibranchs Tardigrades Velvet worms Caterpillars Plankton Sea slugs Leeches Sea stars Sea urchins Mollusks Sea sponges Earthworms

Are snails insects?

No, snails are in the animal group called mollusks. This group includes, slugs, clams, oysters, octopuses, sea slugs, cuttlefish, squid and the nautilus. What makes these animals mollusks and not insects is the fact that they are soft bodied with either one large foot, or multiple tentacles, and have a shell, or a remnant of a shell inside they're body. They also have a mantle and some have a radula, which is a small curved mouth with a rough inside that is used to scape off plant material to eat.

What are some Spiny bodied animals?

Some examples of spiny-bodied animals include hedgehogs, porcupines, echidnas, and sea urchins. These animals have spines or prickles on their bodies for defense against predators.

Is an oyster a cnidarian?

No, an oyster is not a cnidarian. Cnidarians are a phylum of marine animals that include jellyfish and corals, while oysters are mollusks belonging to the phylum Mollusca.

Do soft bodies have backbones?

No, soft-bodied animals do not have backbones. Soft-bodied animals typically lack a rigid internal skeleton like a backbone and instead have a more flexible body structure. Examples of soft-bodied animals include jellyfish, worms, and slugs.

Are the echinoderms soft-bodied animals?

yes, but only sea cucumber