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phoramones produced from /for females

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Emily Jean

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Q: Which describes how proteins are used in mating by Japanese Beatles?
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How do proteins play an important role in mating of japanese beetles?

by sending and detecting chemical messages

How do proteins play an important role in the mating Japanese beetles?

by sending and detecting chemical messages APEX

How are proteins used in mating by the Japanese beetle?

Males use a protein to detect pheromones sent by females

How do proteins play an important role in the mating of Japanese?

The proteins are used in sending and detecting airborne chemical messages (pheromones) that guide the male beetles to the females.

How do proteins play an important role in the mating of Japanese beetles?

The proteins are used in sending and detecting airborne chemical messages (pheromones) that guide the male beetles to the females.

Which describes how proteins are used in mating by japeneese beetles?

males use a protein to detect pheromones sent by females

How are proteins used in mating by japanese beetles?

they send proteins as chemical messages

What term describes the behavior between male and female of the same species for the purpose of mating?

I would think that the term would be "rituals" or "mating rituals".

What term describes the behaviors between males and females of the same species for the purpose of mating?

I would think that the term would be "rituals" or "mating rituals".

What term describes the behaviors between male and females of the same species for the purposes of mating?

The term that describes the behaviors between males and females of the same species for the purposes of mating is "courtship". Most animals have a courtship ritual, such as dancing, touching or showing how beautiful they are.

What term describes the behavior between males and females of the same species for the purposes of mating?

The term that describes the behaviors between males and females of the same species for the purposes of mating is "courtship". Most animals have a courtship ritual, such as dancing, touching or showing how beautiful they are.

What term describes the behavior between males and females of the same species for the purpose of mating?

The term that describes the behaviors between males and females of the same species for the purposes of mating is "courtship". Most animals have a courtship ritual, such as dancing, touching or showing how beautiful they are.