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Q: Which country is mosquito less?
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Related questions

What do you need mosquito netting for?

to keep mosquito's from biting you while you sleep, in hot mosquito infested country's where mosquito's can carry disease.

Where is the mosquito free country?


Why are mosquito-borne diseases less common in India?

Mosquito born diseases are very common in India.

What country shares the mosquito coast with Nicaragua?


What country did the word mosquito come from?

it is a Spanish word

How many elbows does one mosquito have?

Six. It is an insect. All (most?) insects have six legs.A mosquito has six legs

Which is mosquito free country?

Iceland is definitely mosquito free. No mosquitos have ever been found alive in the country. I've heard that the nearby Faroe Islands are also mosquito free as well as Antarctica, but have been unable to confirm it. Countries with the same latitude as Iceland, such as Greenland and Canada do have mosquitos, however.

Which country does not have a single mosquito?

Iceland is the country which is more free from mosquitoes, than any other.

How do people interact with the tiger mosquito?

The tiger mosquito interacts with people by biting them and eating their blood. They are not indigenous to the United States, but were introduced from Asia and are now common across the country.

What country does a canape come from?

canapes bread comes from the country bangladash

Which country does the word mosquito come from?

The word "mosquito" comes from Spanish and Portuguese, where it means "little fly." It is thought to have originated from the word "mosca," which means fly.

Mosquito Spraying?

form_title= Mosquito Spraying form_header= Get rid of mosquitos for good with a spray! Where do you have mosquitos?*= _ [50] How often would you like to use the spray?*= {Once a day, Once a week, Once a month, Less than once a month} Have you had a mosquito infestation before?*= () Yes () No