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To classify organisms, we use the five-kingdom system of classification. Obviously, the crayfish is not an amoeba-like organism or a single-cell organism. It is clearly not a plant, because it does not manufacture its own food, has a nerve cord and can move. Therefore it must be an animal. It is actually relatively complex as animals go. I know its classification to phylum level: Kingdom: Animalia - Animals.

Subkindgom: Metazoa - Animals with a digestive tract.

Phylum: Chordata - Animals with a neural tube. The crayfish, as a crustacean, is not a vertebrate, but it is still quite a complex animal.

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16y ago
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15y ago

The lineage of crayfish as follows: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Class Malacostraca, Order Decapoda. The living crayfish of the world are distributed into 3 different families, Astacidae, Parastacidae, and Cambaridae. Cambaridae contains by far the largest number of species, with at least 300 hundred.

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13y ago

Crayfish belong to class Crustacea, which also includes lobsters, crabs, shrimp, waterfleas, sow bugs, barnacles, and many others.

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14y ago

Class: Decopoda

Phylum: Arthropoda

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11y ago

they belong to edits

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What is the scientific classification of a crayfish?

Crayfish belong to the animal kingdom (Animalia), phylum Arthropoda, subphylum Crustacea, class Malacostraca, order Decapoda, and family Cambaridae (for North American species).

What type is a crayfish?

Arthropoda Crustacea malacostraca decapoda pleocyemata astacidea astacoideaall of the rest after Crustacea gets you to the specific animal. :) Cheerssorry for the multiple edits... i hate spelling when it comes to animal classification.

What is the taxonomic classification for crayfish?

The taxonomic classification for crayfish is as follows: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda Family: Cambaridae or Astacidae

What do you call a group of crayfish?

A crayfish is a crustacean that has a similar appearance to the shrimp. When referring to a group of crayfish you simply call them by the same name.

What does classification of an animal mean?

The classification of an animal refers to the scientific categorization of an organism into a specific group based on its characteristics, traits, and evolutionary relationships. It involves placing the animal into a hierarchical system of classification that includes domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species. This classification helps in understanding the relationships between different species and organizing the vast diversity of animal life.

What is the animal called that has a backbone classification?

The group of animals with a back bone are called vertebrates

Is a crayfish a reptile or amphibian?

Arthropoda Crustacea malacostraca decapoda pleocyemata astacidea astacoideaall of the rest after Crustacea gets you to the specific animal. :) Cheerssorry for the multiple edits... i hate spelling when it comes to animal classification.

What kingdom includes bats whales and crayfish?

Bats, whales, and crayfish are all members of the animal kingdom.

Can crayfish eat a big animal?

yes they can if u let them

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What is the broadest classification of organisms called?

The broadest classification of organisms is called domain. There are three domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Each domain contains a large group of related organisms.